Information for World Congress participants

CID congresses are the largest gatherings of dance specialists world-wide, the best opportunity to showcase one’s work to a wide audience of practitioners, dance teachers, choreographers, researchers, journalists, organizers and suppliers.

Approximately 300 experts from 40 countries of the 5 continents attend each event.

Intended primarily for professionals, the Congress is at the same time an educational event and a trade fair focused on contacts with colleagues and informal discussions.

All forms of dance are represented. Strictly non-profit. Not to be confused with festivals, workshops, competitions or open conferences.

The Program includes: 

– Lectures on original subjects
– Classes, where teachers give a demonstration of their method
– Performances by dance companies, duos or solos
– Exhibitions and sale of books, records, pictures,
costumes, accessories etc.
– Evenings where members can discuss in a relaxed setting or dance to local music.
– Visits to places of special interest, such as dance schools, museums, sites etc.

This is an official event organized by the national Dora Stratou Dance Theater as well as the Athens and Pireaus Sections of CID. It is under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, the National UNESCO Commission, the Region of Athens and the City of Athens.

Submitting a presentation is optional. Absentee presenters can register also; their presentations will be included in the program and in the proceedings website visited by tens of thousands of dance professionals all over the world.

To apply for a visa and/or financial assistance, registered participants receive an official certificate.

Central Congress website with proceedings of past events: